Flowing Water Productions
I've always loved dogs and have had two before in my life, Buddy and Bella. We just got a new puppy a couple weeks ago and named him Chance. He is a Lab-Austrailian Shepard mix. They said his blue eyes probably won't change since they haven't yet and he is 9 weeks old!!!
I went on a 23 mile hike along the New Hampshire presidential range. We went over Mount Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Pierce, Monroe, and Eisenhower. The hike took us 2 days and then 3 hours to walk out.
I love hiking and seeing nature. On our hike we saw two beautiful ponds that were on top of the mountains, even above tree line.
I love watching movies and have honestly watched an unhealthy amount of them for my age.I split movies under two major categories one is animated and one is not animated. I do have a favorite movie for both of the groups.