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Interview #1

I interviewed Tommy Baker.  I think that we got the lighting and the framing right. One of the basic things that I would change is that I wish he was looking a little more towards the camera.  I still want him looking to the left just a little less.  I also don't really like the sound in the video.  Someone said we should use +20 Db and I didn't like how much static you can hear in the background.  Other than that I feel like I asked good questions that connected with each other so it wasn't just a bunch of random questions edited together. 

Interview #2

I filmed the interview of Matt while Tommy asked him questions.  I think that the lighting is pretty good for his color of skin.  I also think that the framing of where he is on the screen is good as well.  The only thing I would have changed is that I wish he looked a little more straight instead of so far left.  

Interview #3

Quinn Evarts interviewed me.  She did a great job of slowing down asking questions giving me time to get ready.  She also asked me questions that I could easily repeat the question in my answer.  She did a great job of editing my interview, it was pretty creative and funny. 

Avicii: True Stories

Over the weekend I watched Avicii: True Stories.  This is a document abut the life of the Swedish DJ Avicii who made songs like Wake Me Up and Levels.  It goes through most of his life even from before he was famous.  As a child he was a very shy not out going kid.  The movie started out as the rise to fame and how much fun it was but then turned into a story about how the fame life was straining his health.  He said that each of his shows were like a part.  Eventually never-ending hectic schedule took a huge toll of his life and health. His health started to decline when he began using drugs and drinking a lot, he did this to overcome his anxiety before concerts. I really liked the documentary mostly because I love cvicii and his music.  Every documentary I have seen about artists is always about how much money they have and their luxurious life.  This was a different kind of documentary because it was about the hardships in his life.  It really put things into perspective for me.  I know that many famous people have said that the strain on their lives is hard but it was really cool to see behind the scenes what it was like.  I've never really understood the struggle that fame brings until I saw this movie.  I noticed that they used the same rules as we do for interviews. They are always on either the right or left looking the other way that they are.  There were also lots of B-roll pictures and videos that went on when someone was being interviewed.  I also really liked how they interviewed his producer and most documentaries about artists probably would but I really liked hearing his ideas and thought process when he signed Avicii.  Everybody was very good at acting.  There were no interviews or scenes where people were taking long to answer a question or stumbling over their words at all.  I would recommend this movie to anyone really.  If you liked Avicii than it's very entertaining to see his life and career but if you don't like him it's still a great movie to watch because you get to see what lives are like for artists and performers.  Also if you are a fan of documentaries in general this is one of my favorites.   It was very well shot and kept me entertained for the entire time.  I thought the flow of the movie was great; from videos of live performances to interviews with friends and family.  Some documentaries can be boring and long but Avicii: True Stories was a documentary that I would recommend to just about anyone.  All I really wish is that they started the documentary a long time ago.  He explains how things changed over the years but I really wish could have seen it happening in the film.  

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