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I worked pretty hard over the past 3 weeks and throughout the class as a whole.  I was in/made 4 films.  All were in groups where we cooperated very well and got work done without distraction.  I never use my phone during class because there is no need to. I'd rather be editing a video or filming some new shots. I've never been late to class and usually hope right into whatever I'm working on, whether it's filming, editing, or writing a movie review.  When I was in groups making films we stayed busy the whole time.  Once your out and start filming everything just kind of starts to roll and it's hard to stop working when you start flowing. 


The 4 films I made were our Action Sports Parkour, Horror Ted Bundy movie, New Girl opening, and our Helping Hand PSA.  Here are some shots of my work below.  I was even editing music in logic pro x to put into our movies as you can see below. 

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